Native BMI staking


  • Anyone can stake BMI in the BMI Staking Contract.

  • Rewards are distributed proportionally to the users staking based on the amount of BMI staked.

  • BMI rewards are compounded automatically onto the principle.

  • To withdraw BMI tokens from the BMI Staking Contract, the user must submit an unstake request, which takes 8 days to mature.

  • After the request matures, the user will have 48h to withdraw his tokens; if he misses the withdrawal, another unstake request needs to be submitted.

  • Users receive stkBMI tokens as proof of their staking position. These tokens are tradable, which, if done, trades the staking position.

Transferring the stkBMIs from wallet X will result in wallet X losing the staking position - please take caution, and trade them with care.

Where can I buy BMI?

BMI can be bought on sushiswap!

How big are the staking rewards?

Currently, native BMI staking redistributes tokens at the rate of 1 BMI per block.

The APY is dependent on the total amount of BMIs staked in the pool. You can check this in the app's Stake/Farm BMI section.

What are stkBMIs?

StkBMIs prove the user's position in the native BMI staking pool. They are minted at the moment of staking. Their ratio varies and is never constant, as it depends on the total amount of staked BMIs in the native BMI staking pool.

StkBMIs can also be used to vote on claims by locking them in the voting contract. This process is handled in the Claims Assessment section of the app.

To read more about the voting process, please head here:

pageClaim voting process

Last updated